Want to get laser hair removal treatments, but feeling concerned because you are pregnant?

Let me guess: As your belly expands, the ability to see your legs (let alone shave them!) is disappearing. We feel your struggle.

Is laser hair removal safe during pregnancy?” “Does it last after your pregnancy ends?” “Are there alternative options to laser hair removal while pregnant?

Pregnant belly


Look no further. We have answered all your questions regarding hair removal and pregnancy in this post. Read on!

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe During Pregnancy?

By targeting dark pigments in the hair, laser hair removal is able to cause damage to the hair follicle. By doing so, hairs are eliminated down to the root, and often won’t grow back. Because there are almost no studies evaluating the safety of laser hair removal during pregnancy, some health care providers suggest steering clear of laser hair removal during pregnancy.

Again, this is due to the lack of factual information related to laser hair removal’s effects on the unborn fetus.

Should you choose to undergo laser hair removal while pregnant, the breast area should be avoided, especially in the last trimester. If you are planning on breastfeeding, this is safer for the baby. Additionally, you should avoid getting laser hair removal on the stomach area during the last few weeks of your pregnancy. During this time, the abdomen is particularly sensitive, and most hair removal technicians will not perform the treatment due to an increase in pain for the patient.

Does Laser Hair Removal Last After Pregnancy?

Great question!

Though the answer isn’t quite so clear. It can vary, person to person, whether or not laser hair removal will last after pregnancy.

The influx in hormones can cause hairs to grow back, which have previously been removed with a hair removing laser. That said, many individuals have reported they remained hairless during, and after, their pregnancy. The only way to know if your hairs will grow back after pregnancy, is to see for yourself.

Is Laser Hair Removal Dangerous for Pregnancy?

As previously stated, there are no studies showing if laser hair removal during pregnancy is safe. However, there are also no studies proving that laser hair removal during pregnancy isn’t safe. You should consult with your doctor, should you feel concerned about getting laser hair removal while pregnant.

Does Laser Hair Removal Affect Pregnancy?

The answer is: No.

At this point, there is no information linking laser hair removal having any sort of affect on pregnancy.

Hair Removal Pregnancy? Alternative Options to Laser Hair Removal While Pregnant:

Wax while pregnant

You should be safe waxing unwanted body hair while you are pregnant. Even so, you may find that your skin reacts differently to waxing than it may have prior to your pregnancy. Clinic’s recommend applying a soothing antiseptic lotion before and after waxing to decrease any burning or stinging sensations.

Hair Removal Reams and Depilatories

Before using a hair removal cream while pregnant, perform a patch test on a small part of your skin. See how you react, as it may differ from how your body normally reacts to these cosmetics. In rare cases, individuals have become allergic to depilatories while pregnant. Currently, there is no evidence of hair removal creams being harmful to use while pregnant. There are also no studies proving that these creams are safe to use while pregnant, either. Proceed with caution.


I know what you’re thinking. How are you supposed to shave your bikini area when you have a beach-ball sized stomach in the way?! Although shaving may not be the easiest hair removal option while pregnant, it is the safest and cheapest one.

Here are a Few Factors About Laser Hair Removal to Consider if You are Pregnant:

  1. Laser hair removal works by using laser radiation to produce heat, which destroys unwanted hair to the root. This laser beam only penetrates a couple millimeters into the skin, and there have been no reported negative effects on patients.
  2. For some sensitive individuals, laser hair removal can be painful. Due to this, some clinics apply a numbing cream to the area before the procedure. If you are currently pregnant or nursing, you may want to avoid certain pain relief creams. Consult with your doctor beforehand to see if this is something you’d need to steer clear of.
  3. When pregnant, the body may become more sensitive to particular things. This can increase sensations of pain, redness or irritation during or after your laser hair removal procedure.
  4. Another thing to keep in mind, is that your hormones may be out-of-whack when you are pregnant. This can affect hair growth patterns, which can end in unfavorable laser hair removal results.
  5. Laser hair removal may feel uncomfortable or awkward (as the stomach is larger in size, and may get in the way of the bikini area) in the later stages of pregnancy. Consider this when deciding if you’d like to get laser hair removal while pregnant.

For more information on becoming a certified laser hair technician while pregnant, check out our Laser Hair Technician post here: <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QAKT_2kgWFD2ac5ApGHAlDaBQGnmL3DZ3FJO9OutV24/edit?usp=sharing>